Recharge your Mind, Body and Spirit

Published Thursday, December 16, 2021

Recharge your Mind, Body and Spirit

Recharge your Mind, Body and Spirit

By Lily Colquhoun, Prevention and Screening Clinical Services

It’s been a long, busy year and what we’ve overcome is no small feat. Every event that we encounter shapes who we are and we can use these experiences to grow as individuals. As the year comes to end, take a moment to remember events and experiences that occurred throughout the last twelve months and reflect on how they affected your mind, body and spirit.

This is the perfect time of year to take a moment for yourself and prioritize self-care. Engaging your mind, body and spirit can help to create optimal health and well-being, and help to prevent chronic disease.

To help recharge physically, take stock of your daily routine. Eating a balanced diet and staying physically active are important but also aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Sometimes, recharging can be as simple as taking a deep breath, finding time to read a book, lighting a candle, or taking a bath.

To recharge your mind and spirit, explore what makes you happy. Finding a creative outlet or an exciting sport that helps you express yourself can do wonders. Building connections with yourself, others and nature can help create balance in your life and foster a sense of belonging. By turning off your phone or computer and using your time to explore a new hobby, meet up with a friend or immerse yourself in nature, you are taking care of many aspects of your health.

Five ways to recharge your mind, body, and spirit:

  1. Take a mindful moment. Take a few quiet minutes at your work station, enjoy a cup of tea before starting the day, or sit outside in nature. Mindful moments can happen anytime of the day, just focus on your breathing. Taking just a few minutes to be mindful each day can make a big difference.
  2. Make a list. Write down what is most important to you and what provides you with a sense of love, strength, or peace of mind. Once you recognize the things that you love, prioritize them.
  3. Going to the gym isn’t the only way to be physically active. Try relaxing activities like going for a walk in a natural setting or doing yoga. Make an effort to try new activities to help make exercising fun.
  4. Take time for friends and family. Feeling connected to others or being part of a community can give you purpose and meaning. We are naturally social beings that need companionship.
  5. Be open to experiences and feelings. Be open-minded and allow yourself to make connections with yourself and others. It will help you to see the good in the world.


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