Celebrating Your Donations
Your donation will touch thousands of lives by funding new medical equipment and technology in all areas of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Our Donor Recognition Program allows us to celebrate the impact of your donation and publicly demonstrate our gratitude for your generosity.
We honour donations in the following ways:
Donations of $5,000 and more will receive a recognition plaque on the main foyer Donor Wall, and a listing in the electronic kiosk, along with additional benefits at the following levels.

Founders' Circle - $1,000,000+
A premiere naming opportunity at the Health Sciences Centre (e.g. Centre of Excellence)
A custom recognition agreement
A professionally-produced media conference announcing your donation
Prominent public recognition in the local
newspaper, on social media & our website -
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

Board of Governors' Society - $500,000 - $999,999
A valued naming opportunity at the Health
Sciences Centre (e.g. Patient Care Unit) -
A custom recognition agreement
A professionally-produced media conference announcing your donation
Prominent public recognition in the local
newspaper, on social media & our website -
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

Foundation Circle -
$100,000 - $499,999
A naming opportunity at the Health Sciences Centre (e.g. Patient Services Area)
A custom recognition agreement
Public recognition in the local newspaper,
on social media & our website -
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

Chairs' Council -
$50,000 - $99,999
A naming opportunity at the Health
Sciences Centre (e.g. Lounge Area) -
Public recognition in the local newspaper and social media
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

President's Circle -
$25,000 - $49,999
A naming opportunity at the Health
Sciences Centre (e.g. Patient Room) -
Public recognition in the local newspaper and social media
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

Hospital Family- $10,000 - $24,999
Public recognition on social media
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events

Benefactor - $5,000 - $9,999
An invitation to exclusive annual donor
recognition events
Displaying Your Donation
We are delighted to offer the opportunity to display your generosity in various spaces around the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. If at any time you would like to speak with us about how your donation will be recognized, please contact our Donor Relations Specialists, at 807-345-4673.

Main Donor Wall
The Main Donor Wall is located in the main hallway of the Health Sciences Centre, near the front entrance and recognizes any type of donation over $5,000 made to the Health Sciences Foundation.

Memorial Gifts
There are 3 options for recognition of Memorial Gifts.
1. The Memorial Wall is located in the main hallway of the Health Sciences Centre, near the front entrance.
A tribute is available for gifts from $1,500-$4,999.
A legacy is available for gifts from $5,000 and above.
A naming opportunity is available for gifts of $25,000 and over (in areas throughout the Health Sciences Centre).

2. The Garden of Hope Walls are located on the 3rd Floor, next to the Cancer Centre reception, inside the Garden of Hope on the 2nd floor, and in the Radiation Therapy waiting room on the 2nd floor.
All gift recognitions have been named and are no longer available.

3. The Gift Recognition Tree is located in the TbayTel Tamarack House, located on the 5th floor of the Medical Building at 984 Oliver Rd.
A leaf on the Tamarack Tree is available for tribute gifts reaching $1,500 or more.
First Marks Club
The Celebration of Life Wall is located inside the Maternal/Newborn Unit (1C) on the bottom floor of the Health Sciences Centre.
A minimum donation of $250 is requested to join the First Marks Club and to receive a footprint on the Celebration of Life Wall.