Employee Giving

Take the next step in bringing better health care to your Hospital.

Sign Up

Whether you are one of our front line staff or work behind the scenes, you play a vital role in saving lives and keeping people healthy. 

As you are well aware there's always a need for equipment, programs and research to assist us in our daily duties, but more importantly to provide the best care for our patients, family members, friends and even ourselves.

employee-giving-logoDirect Your Donation

When you give through payroll deduction, you can direct your donation to the Employee Giving Fund, to the Area of Highest Need, to one of our specialty funds like the Northern Cancer Fund or the Northern Cardiac Fund, or to any specific area of care at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

Together, for better.

Your Impact

In 2020, employees raised $92,929 and thanks to Tbaytel, who matched donations up to $7,500, the final tally raised was $100,429!

Thanks to you, multiple new pieces of equipment were purchased including:

  • Bladder Scanner for 1A Oncology

  • Cooling/Warming Blankets for Trauma, ED & ICU

  • Psychiatric Bed & Mattress for Adult Mental Health

  • Electric Procedure Stretcher for Cancer Centre Outpatients

Your Gift is Matched

eg-tbaytel-logoTbaytel has partnered with the Employee Giving Program to match your gifts! Every year they will match all gifts, up to $7,500 – meaning an extra $7,500 towards better health care for our community. Thank you, Tbaytel!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Employee Giving

What is the role of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation?

The mission of the Health Sciences Foundation is to inspire the people of Northwestern Ontario to give generously to advance our health care at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC).  The Health Sciences Foundation is the fundraising arm of the Health Sciences Centre, with 100% of the donations raised staying right here in our community.

What is the Employee Giving Program?

Employees of the Health Sciences Centre can donate to the Health Sciences Foundation through payroll deductions on a bi-weekly basis.

What is the Employee Giving Fund?

This fund has been designated exclusively for employee donations. A committee of employees (Employee Giving Committee) has been developed to oversee our Employee Giving Fund and decide where to allocate their funds on an annual basis.

If you're interested in joining the Employee Giving Committee, please fill out the Online form or contact Ryan Moore.

Sign Up


How much should I donate?

You can choose any amount you would like to donate. The average gift amount from our employees through payroll deductions is $10.87 per pay.

Can I decrease or increase the amount of my donation at any time?

Yes. To make any changes to your employee payroll deduction, please contact the Health Sciences Foundation.

Can I sign up for employee giving if I am working part time or casually?

Yes! Your donation will only be made through payroll deduction whenever you receive a pay cheque.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for my donations throughout the year?

Yes, when you receive your T4 slip from Human Resources, the total amount of all your donations will be shown in box 46, line 349 and is eligible to be claimed as a charitable donation when you file your income tax.

Does my donation support Health Sciences Centre operating expenses, including salaries?

No. Donations made through employee giving will be used to purchase health care equipment only.

What will my donation go towards?

That is completely up to you! You can donate to our Employee Giving Fund – where you can see what specific equipment your funds helped purchase on an annual basis and your Employee Giving Committee will decide how to allocate these donations as a group. You can also support any other area in the Health Sciences Centre (for example; cancer, cardiac, renal, paediatrics, etc) by indicating that area on the employee donation form.

Will anyone know that I donate or how much I donate?

No. All donor information is confidential. You will be given a pin to wear on your lanyard if you'd like to show others you are an employee donor and you will be invited to our annual donor recognition event.

What is the cost of the Employee Giving Program to the Health Sciences Centre? 


How much money does the Foundation have to spend to raise one dollar through employee giving?

Last year, the Foundation spent $0.02 to raise $1.00.

Who pays for all the raffle prizes?

Generous supporters from our community and industry partners sponsor our raffle prizes at no cost.

What is the Employee Giving Committee?

The Employee Giving Committee is a group of employees (just like you) from different areas of the Hospital. Many employees donate to the Employee Giving Fund, and the Committee then choose what pieces of equipment those donations will fund.

If you're interested on joining the committee, please contact us!

Email Ryan

Ryan.Moore@healthsciencesfoundation.ca or call (807) 684-7112

Our current Employee Giving Committee members are:

  • Rob Srigley, Chair, Information Technology
  • Mary Nucci, Regional Purchasing/Northwest Supply Chain
  • Kasey Etreni, Radiation Therapy
  • Meghan Beach, Human Resources
  • Sue Buob-Corbett, Renal Services
  • Sara Chow, Prevention & Screening
  • Ashley Rooney, Regional Purchasing/Northwest Supply Chain
  • Dana Lamminmaki, Information Systems

How can I be in?!

  • Become an Employee Donor. 3 easy ways to sign up:

  • Consider becoming an Employee Leader like some of your fellow staff members and ask other employees to be in!

Where is the Donation Centre located?

Beside Robin's Donuts in the main lobby of the Health Sciences Centre.

Sign Up

For more information about the Employee Giving program, please contact Ryan Moore:

Email Ryan

or call (807) 684-7112