It's Not Selfish, It's Self-Care

Published Monday, July 26, 2021

It's Not Selfish, It's Self-Care

It’s Not Selfish, It’s Self-Care

By Madeline Fabiano, Prevention and Screening Clinical Services


For Marlee Pradal (Administrative Assistant, Informatics), getting exercise and being outdoors has always been a good way for her to recharge. Whether it is going for a hike or taking a break during work to go for a walk she it helps clear her mind, feel refreshed and energized. “It is good for your body and your brain, but it also helps with productivity in and out of the workplace.”

When was the last time you took time for yourself? Self-care is an area that many people struggle with due to a variety of factors that consume our time such as balancing busy work or school schedules. Sometimes it may appear that the only way to be happy is to cram our schedules with social events. However, when you spend every waking hour with other people, you are unable to relax and enjoy your free time. Multiple negative outcomes can amass from a lack of downtime. Research has associated increased levels of stress, fatigue and anxiety with a lack of relaxation.

These negative effects can easily accumulate and cause larger issues such as burnout due to a lack of rest. Vacations and breaks serve as a means of downtime to allow the body to rest mentally and physically in order to perform optimally upon an individual’s return to work. However, when downtime has not been granted an individual may perform tasks poorly, struggle to focus and become unproductive as their body is essentially unable to recovery from daily stressors. Research has shown that taking breaks will improve performance as well as reduce stress levels.

“How can you expect to take care of others if you aren't taking care of yourself first?” explains Michelle Opaski, MRT(R) at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. “As a part time employee and a busy mom of 4, I had to learn to prioritize myself in order to be the best version for my family and my patients. I had to make the time for myself instead of expecting someone to "gift me" self-care time. I plan my workouts around my day, I focus on proper nutrition to fuel my body, and I surround myself with a supportive uplifting community with common goals. It is the daily little habits that you do for your wellness that make the biggest difference in your wellbeing!”

As Michelle suggests, there are countless positive effects that surface once an individual has stepped back from their busy social life in order to make ‘me time.’ Whether it is reading a book, cooking your favourite meal, running a warm bath, going for a walk, engaging in physical activity or any other activities that make you smile, never forget to take care of yourself. Don’t worry it’s not selfish, it’s self-care.

The benefits of making time for yourself:

  1. Allow yourself to decompress and recharge physically, mentally and emotionally. This will look different for everyone. However, simple activities, that are not physically or mentally demanding, will let you relax.
  2. Have time to nurture and express your creative side. Taking time out of your day to direct your energy towards creative activities can help distract you from any stressors that you were experiencing.
  3. Learn to be comfortable and happy in your own skin. A lack of self-confidence negatively effects one’s perception of themselves. Tasks that allow you to have belief in your own abilities will increase your acceptance of yourself and help to build your confidence.
  4. Enables you to partake in activities you enjoy rather than following the crowd. A lack of time dedicated to doing what you love will cause a loss of productivity and risk experiencing burnout.
  5. Can reconnect with your deeper emotions and become more self-aware. As the time dedicated to yourself increases, you will be more mindful of your strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Become more independent and self-sufficient. The more you can do for yourself the better. Those who can create their own happiness will be less dependent on others to fulfill their needs and will live a self-reliant life.



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