Torin Adds Many Talents to Foundation Team

Published Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Torin Adds Many Talents to Foundation Team

Torin Adds Many Talents to Foundation Team

The Health Sciences Foundation is pleased to introduce one of our newest hires, Torin Gunnell.

Torin will be filling the position of Digital Engagement Assistant at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. He is responsible for the development of digital content like videos & photos, donor stewardship related to the Thunder Bay 50/50, assisting with marketing efforts for our Special Events, and donor engagement on our social media channels.

Torin is an experienced digital storyteller and content creator who has planned, organized, and produced a variety of video and marketing projects. In addition to his ability to communicate and engage our donors through digital mediums, Torin also provides ongoing graphic design, video production, and creative support for all programs and Foundation initiatives. Since he entered this new role in January of 2021, Torin has played a part in digitizing our communications, creating new advertising initiatives, and providing online support to donors. If you’ve ever needed support for the Thunder Bay 50/50 you’ve probably spoken with Torin! His ability to solve complex technical issues and offer data insight is invaluable to the Foundation.

In May of 2020 Torin graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in Accounting. After leaving his job in public accounting, Torin shifted his focus and began to pursue a career in marketing and communications. With an impressive portfolio of digital content and marketing projects, Torin saw this role at the Foundation as the opportunity to jumpstart his professional career. “I have always been a fan of the important work that the Foundation does,” says Torin, “I have had many family members rely on our hospital for lifesaving medical care, and the opportunity to help bolster that was something I simply couldn’t ignore.”

In his spare time, you can find Torin working as a lifestyle photographer and videographer, hiking, camping, and spending time outdoors. “We are so grateful to live where we do. Others have to travel hours to experience what we call our backyard,” says Torin, “There’s something about these incredible Northwestern Ontario landscapes that really puts things into perspective, you realize how little you are, how small your problems are and how beautiful our region really is.”

If you have any questions or feedback related to the Thunder Bay 50/50, or are looking to learn more about which areas of healthcare are most impacted by your generous donations, you can email Torin at or contact him at (807) 630-7473.

To learn more about the Thunder Bay 50/50 visit


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