Fuel Each Day Through Healthy Eating

Published Monday, March 28, 2022

Fuel Each Day Through Healthy Eating

Fuel Each Day Through Healthy Eating

By Lily Colquhoun, Prevention and Screening Clinical Services

Food is the fuel that our bodies need to power through each day. What we choose to eat can have a significant impact on how we feel and act, as well as our overall health in the long term.

High-quality carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein-rich foods are the key to a well-balanced, nutritious, and energizing diet. These types of foods are packed with vitamins and minerals that help strengthen our bones, boost our immune system, and help to heal wounds.

Choosing foods and beverages that are low in sugar is key to healthy eating. Sugary foods can increase our risk for obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Real foods (those close to their natural state) tend to be lower in added sugar than processed foods. And even though fruit contains sugar, it is still a much healthier option than a sugary drink since it is high in water and fibre content.

Speaking of fibre, it is an essential part of a healthy diet. Fibre aids in boosting digestive function, metabolic health, and can make us feel full for longer. Foods that are naturally high in fibre include most fruits, whole grains, avocados, flaxseeds, blackberries, beans, and legumes.

Eating healthy isn’t only beneficial for our own bodies, it sets an example for others. Leading by example can encourage our friends and family to make healthy choices and teach children about healthy eating and proper nutrition.

Here are some tools to help you fuel:

  1. Keep a food journal. Jotting down what we ate each day can help to hold us accountable and be more mindful of what we are eating.
  2. Rethink your drink. Choose beverages that are lower in sugar, salt and fat. This will help to reduce our daily caloric intake and most importantly, will be more effective at keeping us hydrated. Make water your drink of choice.
  3. Stay full by choosing whole grains. Incorporating whole grains such as whole wheat, oatmeal, or barley will not only make us feel full for a longer period, but can also help prevent heart disease.
  4. Prep for success. Although meal prepping can seem time consuming, it can actually reduce the time we spend cooking meals and improve our eating habits.


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